Well, I’ve come full circle.
It’s me that needs that hug right now and some reassurance as I experience my “last” today. The last day I send my son off to school with his sister. The last brown bag lunch of almost identical items I’ve been making him for too many years to count. The last morning he will sit at the bar eating his Frosted Flakes, smiling at me before heading off to school or leaving early to get his egg biscuits from Hardees. So many “lasts” this year…the last school dance, the last high school basketball game, the last soccer practice, and the last time bugging the front office to check him out for the umpteenth time! The last time our family of four will all be home together each night. The last time he will be considered a kid to some degree. I’ve been in the eye of the storm here lately with graduation “stuff”. Senior pictures, yearbook pages, senior slide show, announcements, parties, applying and preparing for college. So much keeping me busy, I haven’t had time to reflect on these last days of high school life for my son.
I’m going to make this short and sweet because trying to type through eyes blurred with tears is not easy. I certainly don’t know what the future holds for him, but what I do know is that he has made the most of these unforgettable years. He found a passion for a sport that he will continue to play in college. He has been a successful student while learning to balance school, sports and an active social life. He made an incredible group of friends that I might actually miss as much as he will! He’s matured into such a remarkable young man right before my eyes. I also know he’s ready…ready for this next adventure. And after some tears and hours sifting through old pictures and wondering where the years and my baby boy went, I’m telling myself what I wish I could tell my kindergarten parents…”It’s going to be ok…you have so much to look forward to! So many more amazing “firsts” yet to come!”
He’s got this…and so do I.
So, Happy Last Day of School to all you extraordinary seniors! I can’t wait to watch you make your mark on the world! And to all my favorite senior moms out there…with school events and sports and our kids gone, let’s make a promise to continue to keep in touch. I’m going to miss you too!!